It is composed of more than 30 life-size pieces in fiberglass, maguey (agave), modeled in plaster and glued canvas, and made by five artisans from Huancavelica. The nativity hut, built of cancanlla with stone arches and ichu roof characteristic of the area, evokes the landscapes of the region and places the holy family in a stable with rustic characteristics of the countryside, recreating a cross section of nature and Huancavelican architecture further enriched by the presence of typical animals of the region such as llamas, condors, alpacas, vicuñas, sheep, vizcachas, flamingos and Andean geese.
All the characters, including the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, the baby Jesus, and the shepherds – who carry an alpaca calf as a gift, a typical animal of the Andes that has a high-quality fiber that Peru exports all over the world, wear the typical clothing of the Chopcca community.
One of the elements that make this nativity scene unique is the angel that accompanies the central characters: the Angelito Chopcca, who announces the arrival of the baby Jesus by playing the Wajrapuco, a typical Andean wind instrument made from cow or bull horns.
Finally, the three figures of the Three Wise Men appear accompanied by llamas, ancestral animals that have been a symbol of the country since the time of the Incas, carrying in their saddlebags the best riches of Peru: the so-called superfoods, organic products with high nutritional properties that Peru commercializes at an international level.